Savings plan (secure your future)
When were you born?
Then you'll reach in your statutory retirement age. If you want to retire sooner or later, you can also adjust the year.
How much have you saved already? €
How much do you want to save monthly from now on? €
We propose an interest rate of % to calculate. You can also change it.
Great, then you'll have a capital of € for the pension!
However, thanks to the compound interest effect, you will only pay € for this amount with the right financial products. Great, huh?
As you can see, the duration of the investment, i.e. the length of the period, is decisive, so that you can really take off. Try it out and see what happens when you start 5 years later. The difference is huge.
Savings plan (enjoy the fruits)
Now let's look at what that sum of € means for you then monthly in the pension as an additional budget.We wish you a very long life, so you can adjust the average life expectancy here individually for yourself.
(You can also get help here:
So your capital should be about Years will do.
Since you will not need all your capital at once, you can continue to use it at an interest rate of %
With this strategy you can € in addition to your state pension. And you'll need that, too, because the average retirement pension for women is €1,080 and for men €1,678. You see, no time to loose! Therefore, it is best to arrange a free consultation today!